A SCARY time for a first time dad. Through the hours of labor and wondering if he was ever gonna take his first breath, Finally he took his first.
Here was this 8 pound little guy I could literally hold in one hand looking up at me. I knew he couldn't make out my face, but he knew my voice.
The race was on.
First day of school, run ins with kids, teachers, and neighbors, including a pretty severe dog bite. First kiss, first official dates, learning to drive, playing sports, learning about work, making plans with the mentality of the young and spirit that refused to be squashed by the lies life teaches us all about most aspects of our lives.
Ahh, to be young again. I have turned around and 19 years have gotten behind me.
I hope the next 19 go a bit slower so I can feel like I caught up. In the works of A.R.S., "The rats keep winning the rat race".
Happy birthday son, I am glad you were born. I can't imagine how my life would have been without you in it.
Dad 11/16/2012
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