Monday, May 21, 2018

The Close and The Closer

What does it mean when someone comes to you and tells you someone else has said negative things about you but claims to love you when the person telling you this does the same thing?

Love covers and the reverse is that evil exposes.
That is a generalization, I know.
It bears looking into.

What relationships have you experienced where a secret was not a secret for long?
Who can you trust that when you tell them something that it will go no further?

Are you the friend/relative/stranger that can keep a confidence?

Is it important to you to go to the person being spoken about and tell them you took up for them?

How many faces does one need?

My uncle used to make a joke that said:
"(Random Person) was talking about you but I took up for you."
"They said you ate $h|+ sandwiches and I told them you didn't because you didn't like bread. You're welcome."


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