Monday, June 27, 2016

Did you *REALLY* forgive them? (*OR* Some words are EZ to say and not mean)

Some things seem unforgivable.

Most of the time, we see things from our point of view without regard of how a situation appears to the other person.

Does it matter?

Many times people have offended (read: Hurt) us and don't even realize it.
Is there someone you need to forgive truly (AND FOR YOUR BENEFIT!)?
Another word you might like or need. Forgiveness is the only way to love someone long term. - Just L.

  When one of your friends lets you down, he'll most likely come around and apologize. But what happens when you've been deeply offended, and it seems like the other person couldn't care less? Worse yet, what if they're actually happy to have hurt you? Today on Pathway to Victory, Dr. Robert Jeffress explores whether or not Christians are required to forgive unrepentant sinners.


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